Feed regulation on BSE prevention

1. Since a BSE-infected cow was identified in Japan in 2001, domestic manufacture and distribution of animal-derived protein/ oil/ fat, such as meat-and-bone meal, as feed or fertilizer were temporarily completely banned. In addition, imports of these materials from all countries were forbidden as well.
2. After this provisional risk management, MAFF amended relevant regulations based on scientific aspects and risk assessment, and has sequentially permitted the use of the animal-derived protein/ oil/ fat. In order to use these feed materials, it is necessary for MAFF to confirm that the manufacturing processes are segregated from other processes etc. Current situation for the feed regulation is shown in the following page.
3. In order to export these feed materials to Japan, the government of this exporting country has to exchange "Animal Health Requirements" with MAFF including taking risk management measures equivalent to the measures taken in Japan. In addition, MAFF prescripts requirements for importers of these feed materials and must be certified by MAFF prior to importing.

Regarding a confirmation procedure of manufacturing process for animal-derived proteins and animal fats and oils

Animal protein, etc.

Materials Origin of materials Livestock*1
Ruminant Swine Horse Poultry Fish
Animal Proteins Milk, Dairy products Mammal
Egg, Egg products Poultry
Gelatin, Collagen Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Non-ruminants, Poultry, Fish and shellfishes *2
Blood meal, Plasma protein Cattle (excluding SRM*3 etc.), Sheep (excluding SRM*3 etc.), Goat (excluding SRM*3 etc.)
Swine, Horse, mixtures thereof, Poultry
Meat and bone meal, Hydrolysis protein, Steamed bone meal
(including Chicken meal and Feather meal)
Cattle (excluding SRM*3 etc.), Sheep (excluding SRM*3 etc.), Goat (excluding SRM*3 etc.)
Swine, Horse ,Poultry, mixtures thereof
Fish meal (approved*2) Fish and shellfishes
Food industrial wastes containing animal protein (food waste etc.) Mammal, Poultry, Fish and shellfishes *4 *4 *4 *4
Others*5 Bone chacoal, Bone ash
(proceed under certine conditions)
Mammal, Poultry, Fish and shellfishes
Dicalcium phosphate
(mineral-derived or containing no trace of protein or fat)
*1 "Ruminant" means cattle, sheep, goat and deer.
"Horse" excludes non-food horses such as race horse.
*2 ◎:Available (These feed materials can be used to target livestocks.)
○:Only the product of the manufacturing plant where the MAFF approved to produce animal protein or animal oil and fat can be used.
*3 "SRM etc." means the specific-risk material (brain from cattle of over 30 months etc. and brain from Sheep and Goat of over 12 months) and the cattle died in the farm.
*4 It contains two types of food waste. 1. Food waste after being distributed or without being used as food.
2. Food processing residue from the manufacturing process where the MAFF approved as completely separated from process for manufucturing process containing ruminant livestock product.
*5 Materials in this column are out of regulations on animal proteins.

Animal oil and fat

Materials Maximum
content ratio of
impurities (%)
Live stock
Ruminant Swine Horse Poultry Fish
Milk replacer Others
oil and
Specific animal oil and fat*2 0.02 *3
Yellow grease*4 0.15
  Originated from swine and poultry 0.15
Animal oil and fat originated from SRM etc.*5 -
Recovery cooking oil*6 0.02
0.15 *7
Fish oil and fat*8 -
Other oil and fat -
*1 Including animal oil and fat which contain vegetable oil and fat.
*2 "Specific animal oil and fat" means oil and fat which are derived only from fat extracted from meat for human consumption as a raw material, whose content ratio of insoluble impurities is no more than 0.02%.
*3 ◎:Available
○:Only available for the product of the manufacture where MAFF approved to produce animal protein or animal oil and fat.
*4 "Yellow grease" means oil and fat which are derived from the processing of slaughterhouse by product. Only approved animal oil and fat (oil and fat which MAFF checks that it does not contain SRM and the cattle died in the farm) can be used for feed.
*5 "SRM etc." means the specified-risk material (brain from cattle of over 30 months etc. and brain from Sheep/Goat of over 12 months) and the cattle died in the farm.
*6 "Recovery cooking oil" means oil and fat which are derived from catering sources such as restaurants. Recovery cooking oil can be used for feed as approved animal oil and fat when the catering sources and collection sites can be confirmed.
*7 Recovery cooking oil which do not contain cattle-derived fat can be used for cattle feed (excluding milk replacer).
*8 "Fish oil and fat" means oil and fat which are derived from the processing of only fish and shellfishes. The product line should be completely separated from the process for manufacturing mammal- and poultry-derived proteins.

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