
Research Report of Animal Feed No. 34 (2009)

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Determination of Indoxacarb in Feeds by LC-MS

Determination of Picolinafen in Feeds by GC-MS

Determination of Oxolinic Acid and Flumequine in Feeds by LC

Simultaneous Determination of Malachite Green and Leucomalachite Green in Fish Oil by LC-MS/MS

Determination of Chloramphenicol in Feeds by LC-MS/MS


Determination of Florfenicol in Feeds by LC


Proficiency test in the fiscal 2008


A Surveillance of Salmonella Contamination in Feeds in 2008

A Monitoring of Animal Protein Contamination in Feeds as a Measure to Prevent BSE in Japan (2007)


1 Zearalenone Contamination and the Causative Fungi in Sorghum

食品衛生学雑誌 第50巻第2号 47-51

2 HPLCによる飼料中のゴシポールの分析

Determination of Gossypol in Feeds by HPLC

食品衛生学雑誌 第49巻第4号 303-307

3 Developing PCR Primers Using a New Computer Program for Detection of Multiple Animal-Derived Materials in Feed

Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 71, 2257-2262

4 Development of PCR Primers for the Detection of Porcine DNA in Feed Using mtATP6 as the Target Sequence

食品衛生学雑誌 第50巻第2号 89-92

5 クオリバックス™システムによる飼料中のサルモネラの迅速検出法の検討

Studies on a Rapid Method for Detecting Salmonella in Animal Feed Using the QUALIBAX™ System

日本食品微生物学会雑誌 第25巻第3号 109-119

6 超微細高密度オゾン水のSalmonella Enteritidisに対する殺菌効果と応用

Bactericidal Effect of Superfine and High Density Ozone Water on Salmonella Enteritidis

鶏病研究会報 第44巻第4号 150-157

7 超微細高密度オゾン水のCampylobacter jejuniに対する殺菌効果の検討

Bacteiricidal Effect of Superfine Nanobubble and High Density Ozone Water on Campylobacter jejuni

鶏病研究会報 第44巻第4号 158-165
